Children's Books
John Priest 

My very own ABC & 123
Alphabet & Numbers Book

A great book for your baby and toddler, right up to 5 years of age!

where's my Granny gone?

Available NOW!

Readers' Favorite announces the review of the Children - Picture Book book "Where's My Granny Gone?" by John Priest, currently available HERE
Readers' Favorite is one of the largest book review and award contest sites on the Internet. They have earned the respect of renowned publishers like Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Harper Collins, and have received the "Best Websites for Authors" and "Honoring Excellence" awards from the Association of Independent Authors. They are also fully accredited by the BBB (A+ rating), which is a rarity among Book Review and Book Award Contest companies.
"Reviewed By Tiffany Ferrell for Readers' Favorite
In Where’s My Granny Gone? we meet a little girl who is curious as to where her grandmother has gone... 

I think John Priest has done a wonderful job of creating Where’s My Granny Gone? which will help children understand what a nursing home is. Working in a nursing home myself, I often encounter children that don’t understand what’s happening or why their grandparents are taken from their homes and placed in skilled nursing facilities. There’s often a stigma that comes with long-term care facilities that make not only children but adults uneasy about them. The book is well-written and easily understandable by young audiences. The illustrations that accompany the story fit perfectly and give readers a nice visual about what is happening in the book. This is the first children’s book on the subject that I have come across and it was executed perfectly. It’s a book I would find myself giving to family members of our residents to help young ones understand why their grandparent is there and why it’s not a bad thing."

Readers' Favorite LLC

It will be such a shame if your child misses out on this book.
Ideal for your young child, aged between 0 months and 5 years
They'll learn their ABCs , 123s and animal names. 
Every child needs to spell and count. 
Every child needs encouragement, love and support to find their way in life.
They depend on YOU to choose the best for them.
This book gives you the opportunity to teach the Alphabet and Numbers, together with animal recognition, in a fun way.

Animal Alphabet Search: Learn Your ABC's & 1,2,3's
Peter Challenge, Time Surfer
P​​​​​​​eter's visit to an old wallpaper shop leads him on an inexplicable and perilous journey to another world! He meets Princess Hansally, who pleads with Peter to help her save King Isspec, her father. Armed with a magical glass sword, presented to him by Lightwitch, a magician, Peter faces the horrors of meeting Dragnewts (half Lizard, half Dragon), foul-smelling, jelly-like creatures called Sqwijjas and the highly venomous Snakes of Warooka.

Just a young eight-year-old boy ... can Peter stay alive and accomplish his mission? 

What would you do if one of the pictures you were painting started talking to YOU?
A stunned little boy finds out when he opens his Dinosaur painting book and begins painting. 
Suddenly one of the Dinosaurs starts talking to him.
Luckily for the boy, the dinosaur is only interested in painting and not EATING!
My Dinosaur is ALIVE!!

Jack Goes To Hospital

When you're taking your child to Hospital,
make sure this book is in your bag or pocket!

Go & get yours now!

Jack Goes To Hospital

Review Rating:5 stars 
Reviewed By Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers’ Favorite

Hospitals have a purpose: to help people get better. But they can be scary places, even for grownups. A child is easily frightened by all the people, the noise, the comings and goings and, of course, all the tests that they do. If a child is very sick and requires a visit, or even a lengthy stay in a hospital, it’s good to be prepared with drinks, snacks, and lots of good story material to keep the child content, comfortable, and entertained. 
(Read the rest of this review and others online)

Santa Claus is a ZOMBIE
Not your normal Christmas, by any means!​
Ben and his sister Phoebe have a terrible fright on Christmas Eve. 
Someone or someTHING enters their house - and it's definitely not the Santa Claus they know and love.
They overcome their fear in order to help zombie Santa turn into the real Santa Claus and on the way they learn what the gifts of Christmas really are.
Santa Claus is a ZOMBIE

It's school holiday time and the JPIs are staying at their
favourite place in Portsmouth, UK.

The Pelican Hotel is owned by Stan's gran Muriel Larkin and she's always delighted to see them arrive. This holiday is different. A horrible black depression hovers over the hotel. 

The children sense it straight away but their parents won't discuss it. 
Stan won't talk, not even to Harry his best friend and locks himself in his bedroom. 

The JPIs are warned not to step foot on Muriel's private beach because the sand has
thecouncilthink it's poisonous. That meant they couldn't go near Sea Shell Cave either. Earth tremors at night are so ferocious they rock the very foundations of the building. Muriel thinks everything is cursed; the beach, the hotel and Sea Shell Cave.

The JPIs don't have the same feeling. Afternoticingstrangegoings on in the hotel and on the public beach, they think something or someone is responsible for everything that is happening. They intend to find out who and why. It will lead them into life-threatening danger and will be their toughest case yet.

A strange 'whodunit' mystery for the Jay-Pea-Eyes to have as their first case! Three children go missing and police have organised a massive search of the town of Dudleigh and surrounding areas. A phone call from a security officer at Russington Hospital immediately has several Detectives heading for the Accident & Emergency Department.
All three missing children have somehow been returned to the Hospital. No-one sees or hears anything - it's as though the children appeared out of the sky.  
The Doctor is puzzled - the children are in excellent health but are refusing to talk to anyone, not even their own parents. 
Local Detectives are baffled. Where have they been? What have they been doing? Why won't they talk? All questions the police want answered. And urgently.
When another young girl goes missing, her 10 year old brother Harry and his three friends, Stan and identical twins Polly and Lily, are determined to find her and solve the mystery once and for all. 

Will they solve the mystery before the Police?
Can they find out the 'Where's and the What's' and also the 'Why's and the How's?'
Book 1 in the mystery detective whodunit series following the Junior Private Investigators in their crime-busting investigations!
A starter chapter book for good readers aged 7 years upwards.
​Jay-Pea-Eyes aka Junior Private Investigators   Book 1
Book 1: The Boomerang Mystery

​Jay-Pea-Eyes aka Junior Private Investigators    Book 2

Book 2: Curse of Sea Shell Cave